Saturday 30 May 2015

Tips fo Buying cctv camera surveillance system

Access control solutions The CXOs Pain-free Guide to Understanding, Selecting and Buying Access Control Systems A publication of SOLUS

Friday 29 May 2015

What do modern access control system do?

Top 5 things Modern Access Control System is doing 1)Visible deterrent 2)Move away from traditional electronic locks 3)Check who enters your property 4)Flexible to growth 5)Keep a track of employees For further information download e-book

iSOLUS, An Integrated Enterprise Security Management System by Solus - YouTube

iSOLUS, An Integrated Security Management System, smartly manages Access, Attendance, IPCC TV, Visitors, Guards, Contract workmen, cafeteria and others from ...

Use these ways, and increase your IP cameras efficiency while getting an improved bottom line

A good security camera system backed by the best suited software makes for a perfect combination. Know which software supports IP cameras.

Here are all the reasons, why you need to opt for IP cameras and leave those old ones out. Do check.

IP security cameras, can work wonders. Yes they can, but know the softwares which support it the best. Read more.

10 ways in which you can boost your company's productivity, while maintaining security

Any entrepreneur's first priority is to keep his, or her employees safe. If you are an entrepreneur, then that should be same for you too. Know how you can do it.

This awesome software makes it possible for you to keep a check on your office, through your home web cam. Check it out

At your home, or at office, turn on your web cam and keep a check on your office. Being at the office for this, is now no mandate.

10 benefits you reap by going wireless on your CCTV. Do check them out

Yes, you can now go wireless for the cameras in your office. Its not necessary to be in your cabin to keep a watch, just use your phone.

8 compelling reasons why your surveillance systems, need this security software

Video monitoring systems enhance the vigilance of your security cameras by giving you multi screen view and other features. Specially this one. Check it.

6 convincing reasons why you need surveillance cameras are a must in your office

Surveillance cameras are the best opted options to keeping an eye over your office. Back it up with a perfect software system too for review and recordings.

These reasons show why you need IP camera systems installed in your office

If you are not satisfied with the standard cameras installed in your office, IP cameras are perfectly for you.

10 powerful reasons why you should choose IP video management software over others. And these are the right ones. Check it out.

Nothing can be better than IP video management softwares to enhance your security cameras' efficiency. Check out why.

This software will enable you to keep an eye on your office, while you are on the move. Check it out.

Not being in the office doesn't mean you can't keep an eye on it. You can, using IP CCTV systems. Know more about them.

Thursday 28 May 2015

10 effective ways in which CCTV cameras make your office security, unbreakable

Installing CCTV cameras at the entrances, exits and corners doesn't cover your entire office. There are certain effective positions too. Know what they are.

These effective ways will make handling large video data, completely effortless

Installing a CCTV camera properly is just one side of the business. You need a system to handle large data too. Follow these proven steps for it.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Make your canteen management system working smooth and seamless in the following ways.

Canteen is a place where your employees or students, don't just eat, but even relax. So everything in the canteen has to be running perfectly smooth, be it billing or service. Cleanliness and service apart, the canteen management system which is responsible for billing and punching entries of the employees needs to be working smooth. Know what can help you with it

You should take these following steps to keep your time management software free of any glitches... and running smooth.

Software bugs can be really pestering, and we all want a life which is free of them. In this case, you need not worry as we have jotted down some steps which will make sure bugs never show up in your software application

You should take these following steps to keep your time management software free of any glitches... and running smooth.

Software bugs can be really pestering, and we all want a life which is free of them. In this case, you need not worry as we have jotted down some steps which will make sure bugs never show up in your software application

These effective ways can tell you how many devices your time clock software supports.

Imagine you being able to access all your time and attendance details and getting the ability to request for leaves, where ever you are. Yes its a good facility, but before you go ahead and invest in any such device, you need to understand how many devices it supports. How?

Check out the ways in which your timekeeping software can do wonders for you!

Any software that helps you not only keep time but also to help you maintain transparency with your employees and increase trust in them, is perfect. We tell you how you can make your timekeeping software turn into one such perfect one

Wednesday 13 May 2015

http://Any time and attendance solution that has these features, is the perfect one for your company.

You may be compelled to think what makes one time and attendance solution stand out from the others. There are many factors of concern, from durability to accuracy and data storage.

First and foremost is that it saves time, money and resources. You don't need a separate team for recording attendance, meaning you don't have to pay any one else separately. Then you won't even have to utilize your workforce for attendance keeping, instead you will divert them somewhere else. That's just a gist.

Knowing these tips can turn your time management software into a blessing for your bottom line.

If you invest in any system, it has meaning only when it affects your bottom line in a positive way. Everything affects your bottom line, but sadly we overlook the potential of access control software in it. In this case we'll take only time management software. Know the tips to turn them in a positive catalys

Learn how to seamlessly integrate your attendance clock with your database- WITHOUT A GLITCH!

Integration of any access control software has to be seamless with the database. If that is not attained perfectly, then there is no use of investing in the facility

10 important pointers for using timekeeping software fruitfully?

Its not just about keeping a tab of your team's break timing or keeping a tab on their work hours. A perfect timekeeping software is integrated, gives options to track timings of many more things and can be accessed from any device. Are you paying attention on these features?

Did you know these effective ways can help you track your employees' who are trying to fool your systems?

Its something that is no more in the hands of muster rolls now. Everything is automated, from attendance to leave records. Still some issues can crop up like a bug in the system or failure to store the records due to any technical reason. Avoid all that and you have a perfect tracking system

Keeping these points in mind while buying fingerprint time and attendance systems, can get you just the right one!

Before you make a decision, its better to know what you are getting into. You need to keep in mind not just your budget, but your requirements for the product, the IT environment in which you are going to use it and the version of the software. These pointers will answer all those questions you are thinking about right now

How fingerprint attendance systems, along with ID cards can be highly effective in terms of not only security, but even MONEY!

Did you know that ID Cards along with fingerprints solve the problem of large storage spaces, thus saving you money?

How biometric attendance systems benefit you in multiple ways together

Most of us look at biometric attendance systems as just plainly record keeping tools. Little do we know that if you look from a different view point, these systems directly benefit your bottom line and boost your employees' morale

Sunday 10 May 2015

This access control software makes sure that no one even thinks about hacking into your security system, while it maintains the stronghold.

This access control software that we are talking about, is one of those which anybody in your position would need, and want. Do check out.

These electronic access control systems are working wonders for their users, worrying is alien to them. Come, become one of them.

These access control systems are making their users smile with delight as they take away their fear of break ins and thefts. Be one of them. Read on to know more.

Install this network access control software and never worry about your network's security ever!

This one little software can work wonders for your network. Just install it, sit back and relax. Read on to know more.

These most common types of access control systems, are straight forward effective when it comes to guarding your home! Come see for yourself.

Its not just that they are most common, they are most effective too, provided you know how to use them. Turn your house into any impenetrable infrastructure using these straight forward effective control systems. Check out.

Do you have an access control system guarding your home or office? If yes, you may want to reconsider what you are using right now. Seriously, check this list.

We all know fingerprint scanners and badge scanners, how many of us know about retina and eye scanners. If not that, then know how you can use the most basic of the readers in the most effective ways. Read on to know more.

8 wonderful ways of installing electronic access control systems to make your premises impenetrable! See for yourself!

Its not just installing the systems. Its the way you install that matters too. Don't just install them, install them smartly with this 8 wonderful.

This access control software can really work wonders for you. Don't take a chance with your security, check it right now!

Access controls are what we want for our security, but what about the software that drives it all? They are responsible for the effectiveness of the systems. Let this software turn your access controls, into unbreakable ones.

Friday 8 May 2015


IP Access Control System is an important part of any access control environment. But what the security of the IP Access Control itself? These 7 ways will make sure you don't think about your IP systems security again, because you won't have to.

This little tweak in your security system control, can make your CCTV's work 100 TIMES BETTER! SEE FOR YOURSELF!

Why to keep your CCTV's limited just to birds view of the whole premises when they can benefit you more than that? Check these steps and know how thousands of people are benefiting more than the basic requirements.

Access card systems can not only save you from intruders, BUT IT CAN ALSO SAVE YOU A LOT OF MONEY!

Nuisance-free Cards & Readers Access card systems require an ID badge for any employee to be able to access any particular area. Without it they are not allowed. But did you know doing that how much money they save you? Read on to know more.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Following these steps can turn your door control systems into YOUR BIGGEST SECURITY ASSET! ...and I swear you don't want to miss these steps!

Door control systems are the most basic of requirement for time and attendance management and to restrict an area to only authorized employees. But did you know they can be much more effective than that? Check these steps.

Biometric ID 11 Readers

10 powerful ways in which biometric access control systems can make your school security safe.

Now stop worrying about data storage! Choose this integrated CCTV application. It will give you the power to store huge amount of video data that you never could earlier!

To keep your company's valuable data safe amidst a large work force, you need a constant watch and that calls for a huge video data storage space. This step will change your struggle for storage space, into contentment.